Thursday, January 27, 2011

describing detail

·         The wife’s lipstick was so vivid and bright
·         The sign said something about a town meeting
·         The milk man had to handles that had 8 bottles of milk each
·         There was a person walking in the background as the milk man was walking to the house
·         The roses had color
·         The wallpaper in the kitchen was drab and boring it was some design of lines
·         The husband had a twinkle in his when the wife said no
·         He had a vest and tie on
·         The house in the background of the milk man walking was a two story
·         The wife had pre made his lunches
·         If he put the pie in 40 min before it would be done in time for dessert
·         She made him meatloaf
·         He had to turn the oven on to 350 degrees

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